Originally Posted by '68OrangeSunshine
Yeah, OK. ''...Some Millennial kid in the Barrio Santa Rosa.'' An old neighborhood just south of Downtown Tucson. It's now in the process of much gentrification. Tho old locals are forced out by higher rents from new landlords. Their places are taken up by young, affluent 'hipsters.' A lot of the old skid row motels are being rebuilt as high dollar condos. I used to worry about my truck getting broken into for my tools. But parking was free. Now I worry about were to park. Alot of the renewals take conrtol over adjacent parking.
How do you tell the difference between a Hobo and a Hipster?
Answer: Hobos can't afford mustache wax.
I was a civilian and USAF back in the day...mid 70s...stationed in Tucson. Hope to slide out there later this fall. I doubt there will be much I will recognize. 1st time I ever saw colored rock, instead of grass, in front yards. LOL!