Another 700R4 dust shield clearance question
Folks, I have installed a 1989 700R4 in my 66 C10. It is bolted to a 66 327. After installing the new crossmember, TCI lockup kit, converting the electric speedometer to cable driven, new filter and installing the pan I proceeded to bolt up the dust shield and discovered that the shield hits on the starter as shown in the pics. I spent hours pouring over past posts on several forums, and looking over hundreds of reproduction dust shield pictures I am perplexed as it would appear that a reproduction of the shield with the six 10mm bolts (three on each side) is not available. I was hoping only to have to purchase a bolt-on fix. Before I attempt surgery on my cast aluminum cover, which I know would leave a 3/4" gap at the side of the starter, I thought I would run this past you folks as I am sure that someone must have had to address this very issue and I am curious as to how it was handled. Driving without a dust shield is not in my plans although I know it has been done by many......Thanks guys -Steveoreno-