1968 K10 Shortbed Stepside
Its been a long time since I have been on this site, but I have a new temporary project that I'd like some insight on. This is my mom's pickup and she lives in a town of 90 people in Western Nebraska, and the next big town, 1200 people is 30 miles away, so she couldn't find a mechanic to work in this for her. I Just brought it back to Alabama with me and it looks like the reverse detent in the transmission has lost its C clip, which only allows 1st and 2nd gear. She has asked me to fix it, and the more I dig into this thing it seems like a rare bird. Factory 292 and 4 speed, but it has a 250 now, short bed stepside and its the plain model as far as options go, from what I can google there were between 1200-1700 of these made and those numbers came from various sources.
I plan on pulling the transmission and fixing it, removing the cab lights, all the grab handles (she is 4'10") the LMC chrome doo dads, grille, , and maybe pulling the 2" body lift off. What do you all think about it?
Last edited by LockDoc; 06-03-2023 at 07:58 PM.