Originally Posted by silverstreak
I'm on the fence with this myself. The "project" I recently bought already has one mounted under the bed but has the filler in the floor which will be a pain to fill as you have to stretch over the bed side or tailgate to reach it. I'm also concerned with water getting into the tank from rain or melting snow. At this point I'm considering going back stock with everything new. The gas tanks on my motorcycles are pretty much in my lap. I try to be a careful driver, but you can't drive for the other person.
Not a fan of belly tanks. I have a GMC JIMMY and once had a '67 K/10 Suburban. Both factory equipped with rear tanks. Hard to fill. Won't take the gas nozzle at full blast, they back uo and shut down the valve. You have to slip the gas down the neck like pouring beer into a tall glass.
Then there's getting fuel to the carb.
Back of seat tank has none of these problems.