difference between the two/suggestions?
i am shopping for bags and i have no clue what the contitech 224c and 255c means. also does anyone know what difference and an explanation on the difference of two and four ply bags? im guessing i need 2800# bags for my 88 crew cab with the 454? what difference would 2600 and 2800# bags on the front?/back? any guidence would help alot! thanx
EDIT: what is the difference between these two bags? they are both ContiTech and one is 224C and the other is 255C. they both have dual 1/2" ports and they both say they are "4 Ply"?
88 shortbed crewcab
currently getting a sfbd 4 1/4"
Last edited by slammd72; 01-03-2005 at 10:32 PM.