Originally Posted by ozrulzk5
hey man the clip fits onto the slider tube ( the parts that the shifter is attached to) it fits on the end just under the plastic cover below the column. note that the clip is going to have to be closer to the right side of the tube so when you pull the shifter down it will pull the string. the best thing to do is put it on while in park so you wont pull it to far and break it. no screws hold it in place so just kinda slip it onto the tube.
Great. I think that's the piece that the column I bought DIDN'T come with. I couldn't figure out how to install it without taking apart the steering wheel. Also, the bar that activates my bright light switch (inside the column) was bent up a little bit and it doesn't retract properly. I have to click the brights on, then retract the bar manually (remember the cover is not on so that's why I'm able to do this), and then click the switch again to turn it off. I'm guessing that after installing the column back, everything is a little tight for the off bar so it isn't able to retract freely.
Can I fix this bar, and the install the plastic cover without pulling the steering wheel and all of that mess?
Thanks a lot.