In case you ever happen to sell a vehicle on ebay, here's a helpful hint. I just sold a car, my 5th on ebay. Usually I have a paper I make the buyer sign noting no warranty, sold as-is, all that jazz. Now the e-bayer (whom I am furious with) tells me that the car was out of allignment, not much he says, but just enough, but he drove it all the way back to kansas from Pittsburgh. He took me to "ebay court" for the 55 dollars (what it cost for an allignment) to get the car alligned. (after 2 weeks of fighting with e-bay and him) I paid. (after they threatened to block me) I then got it in my head to call up e-bay, and complain. This is what I was told..."We believe in customer Satisfaction in the end!" So what about
seller satisfaction you A$$holes' Anyway, I just wanted to share with you how upset I was about giving this guy $55 dollars because sleez-bay said so. Thanks for letting me take a few guys.