Hey there! I'm new to the site, I found it through chevytalk.com. Anyway I have a strange one for you

I have a 1 of 35 1962 3 door crew cab. I found the original owner who said that it was special ordered for the forestry service in Michigan. My plans for it are way out there for the all original only croud, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I have a sb 400 Pontiac for it waiting to be rebuilt. I'm going for the old school "Rat Rod" look. Flat Black paint, Ralley wheels, and whitewalls, shaved everything, bagged suspension, and a sliding rag top like they used to do on the old duce coupes.Basically a "Rat Rod" with comfort and alittle modernization. I'm sure I will learn alot from everyone on this site.
Trae Morton