Here are a few pics of my truck. It has A/C but i removed the pump a while back and havent had the money for new seals and a new dryer....

This is after i finished painting the rear about 4 years ago. Unfortunatly the clear-coat i used was crap and it is hella faded now and even polishing compound cant save it.

this is my engine before i cleaned up the wiring (wires all over the place)

this is just after painting it, you can see the roof is still unpainted at this point...

right after i finished my 81 chevy 3/4 ton disk brake conversion- had to get 16" wheels to fit over the calipers.... looks a little funny with mismatched tire wheel sizes

this is the cap and the side right after painting

this is when i got some new shoes (now i have 265/75/16's all around it)

painting the front fender- it's actually the nice midnight blue- but the camera's colors suck.

a different pic about 2 years ago.

my new trash-lok rearend compared to my stock open (dana 60) with a dana 61 trash-lok i accidently bought on the left.