Blazer Tub off the frame experience needed
I posted a while back about this but now "the deed" is getting close for me on my '69, that being, I am about to tackle pulling the tub off of the frame so I can start the restore on the frame. I looked on CK5 and saw quite a few posts about this over there ranging from 6 guys drinking beer and having a lifting party to blocking up the tub to using chain hoists or engine hoists. I tried searching here but could not pull up posts about the subject (used the same search criteria as on CK5..oh well). Anyway any advice and pics would be great. Also I am concerned about a couple of discussions over there about whether or not to leave the doors and top on or whether to remove them prior to lifting? The argument on leaving them on is for stability and making sure the floor pans and rocker boxes don't give. I do have fairly rusty rockers on the tub that I haven't fixed yet.
This is one of those topics that should have an FAQ submission...thanks for your help