Hey there, you can read my introduction at:
I need some help with a few things. Have any of you retrofit lap style seat belts to your P/U? I'd like to use the GM style that were metal and offered in the mid 70's(to early 80's I believe

). I'm calling "Glide Engineering" tommoro to order my seat. I'm also looking for a fuel cell to mount under the bed where the spare used to be. The problem is that I'm running a TPI intake from an '87 IROC and need an internal fuel pump like the ones found in the later 80's Camaro/Firebirds/Corvettes. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Daniel U P.S. Anybody here from Central CA.? I live on the "Central Coast" about 45 min. from Morro Bay. I'd like to hook up sometime if there are any gtg's with Chevy pick up truck clubs. Here's a pic of the day I bought the truck for $1200. I drove it home!