Project: Rolling Thunder
About a year ago I retired my 70 chevy from daily driver duty. I finnaly decided to start makeing some changes back in november. At this point I removed the bed and started a SWB conversion. Since then I have moved my springs forward, cut the frame made a few new crossmembers started filling all the extra holes and moved my hitch up in the frame. I have a lot of plans for this truck now, once I finish the rear frame work I will move on the the front. I am going to build a custom bed, with removable bed sides for off road, a front link style suspention and some engine maintnence and up grades.for now here are some pics of how it sits, progress will be as time and money allow, and right now if it would get abouve freezing it would help.Please over look some of the rough fabrication as much of it was done over 10 years ago and the truck was my daily driver then so it could not be down more than a weekend so I had to rush a lot.