huge problem help please
i was adjusting the float levels on my carb, so i shut it adjusted and so on, anyway the starter took a crap while i was doing this, it locked up tighter than drum, when it did so it blew 2 fuseable links, one by the battery and one on the oposite side by my wiper fluid tank, i replaced the starter and a wire that burned up in the process, replaced the fuses and now when the key is off the brake warning lamp on the dash is ON, Key off Lamp ON when you turn the KEY ON the lamp goes off, switch the key off and lamp comes back on, this completely dumfounded me and i figured there must be a melted wire somewhere that is going to ground, i tore apart all the wires in the engine compartment and not one was bad, i then started looking under the dash and couldnt find one! this is a huge problem and i need help ive been at this for 3 days trying to uncover this, any help would be great i dont want to end up buying a new wiring harness.