Tilt Column Experts Needed--help
I'm sorry this is a long post, but I bought this tilt column off of evilbay last year. It was supposed to be off of a 71 chevy truck, but I have the feeling it is a van tilt. Nonetheless it's mine. It appeared that it was stuck in the dirt for a long time as the lower end was very rusty and the lower bearing was gone. In addition, I had trouble getting the pivot pins out and I took it to a machine shop to have them removed. Well, they completely dissasembled the entire column. They took no notes as how to reassemble, which is something I do. I have several questions: 1. Can someone identify this column. 2. The lower bearing--first is the end cap that is held on with a retainer (not pictured). Next is the fitted plastic piece with a metal cup??? It appears that the bearing rides in this cup and then a retainer of sorts that the bearing rides against; this could possibly be part of the bearing as I can find no pictures that confirm this. 3. The two lock shoes for that hold the tilt into place, one, the teeth starts from the end, the other the teeth start about 1/4 from the end. Are these installed correctly? 4. Last question, there is a light that screws onto the switch (cancelling cam), and there is a hole in the cover below where the indicator (PRNDLL) screws into. Does this light stick out ( I hope not) or is there a cover that I need to buy. There is a very small indicator on the turn siganl housing, but I believe there is a piece missing. If someone has a picture it would be great. Thank you again for all of your help----David