transfer case shifter knobs for sale
ON SALE!! $45 plus shipping! I had some of these made here locally and to offset the price i will be selling a few there is a limited supply so don't hesitate. I've seen nos ones on e-bay for $140+ and used ones in the 30-45 dollar range so I'll price these at $45 plus shipping and while they are nice and shiny they are NOT exact replicas and there is some diffrences I'll try to post a picture of one next to an original.another thing that I've ran into is the threads on the shifter there is 2 different ones 3/8s and 7/16s so let me know which one you need. I am also having some made for the sm465 4 spd shifter but they won't be ready for a week or so (i hope) thanks Mike
Last edited by Down south truckin; 09-20-2007 at 12:04 AM.