f/s Bench seat and sunvisor
This seat came out of my 72 c/10. I think the seat itself is original, but not the cover.mechanically everything is in good shape. The cover is thin on drivers side, with a small tear that just started. Has some fading. Good for daily driver. The sunvisor is off same truck. It is in good shape. It has 7 led lights that all work and are nice and bright. I will take 150.00 for the seat and 30.00 for the visor. Sorry no shipping. I accept paypal and postal money orders. Thanks
OK GUYS MAYBE I WAS TOO HIGH PRICED. 125.00 for seat and 20.00 for the visor
Last edited by oldschooler; 06-30-2007 at 04:33 PM.
Reason: lower prices