I was working on the '72 K/5 tonight,it's got a miss so I took out the plugs,checked,cleaned them,and put them back in.The advantage of the 2" body lift it has is that with a long extension along with the ratchet I can get the ratchet right in between the frame and inner fender on #6 & #8 so they can be removed easily.That might be reason enough for me to leave the body lift on.The disadvantage is that they cut out the lower section of a perfectly good 4wd fan shroud
Oh well,did I mention I have a NOS 4wd fan shroud sitting around for a rainy day?

I'll probably use the good one from the '71 on the blazer if I remove the body lift,and put the nos one on the '71. Oh,and the blazer still has a miss.I changed the cap and rotor and it still has a miss,tomorrow I'm replacing the plugs and wires and then if it still misses,I assume the cam is getting flat..time for a rebuild..I mean 355..