Howdy, Just a short introduction. Been lurking and reading the past few days, love this forum.
I acquired a 66 fleetside pickup about 20 years ago. My grandfather bought it new at the end of 65. 6 cyl. 3 spd. The truck had 54,000 miles when I got it, and it is up to just over 60,000 now. Unfortunately the truck sat for several years with a burned out clutch and due to family dispute over ownership and who should pay for the repair it sat parked. I wasn't about to put money into fixing it until I had the title in my hand. It was finally "officially" given to me after sitting for about 4 years waiting and I finally got the title, but it had sat for several years not being started and the motor suffered from the neglect.

One of the saddest days was when I fired it up and covered the neighborhood in blue smoke. I put in the new clutch and drove it anyway for a few years always hoping I could rebuild the motor soon. It smoked really bad, had very little power, and needs brakes totally redone, but it was drivable. Other than that it is a very clean, straight, truck with minor rust. Then more bad, since the brakes went out I haven't driven it in 10 years but I just can't part with it so there is sat. I decided I need a project so it is time for a total rebuild, from the ground up. I am ready and excited. I will be dragging it into the garage soon to start and I know I will have lots of questions. I am debating on keeping it a total stock rebuild or going more modified. Stock brakes or disc upgrade, 6 cyl or v8, factory colors or upgraded paint job? So many questions and no clue which way I will go yet. Finding this forum will be a wonderful resource and I look forward to contributing as well picking your brains for help. I will post pics once I pull it out of the field and give it a bath. I'm to embarressed to let anybody see it in the condition it is in right now.