POR 15 rust preventative question
I heard about this stuff from a very good body man. He has been in business for like 50 years and heard this stuff would help me on my 49. My uncle worked for him when he was younger until he started he own shop. He said your suppose to sand to the metal and into the rust enough to bring out a semi-shiney rust...lol, and then put this stuff on and it will turn to sandable primer. I have heard both sides from people, that it works, that it sucks, and even that it really works but doesn't get deep but just converts the top layer of rust. This guy said that its offered in well known magizines and that there was a show and swap meet around here that puts it on rust to prove that it works. I know that rust is a cancer and if you don't get every bit, it will keeps going and rusting, but cancers can be cured and this rust cancer could be. A chemicel reaction can very well possibly be cured too. Anyone know anything about this stuff? POR-15. It would be so much easier than grinding it all out.
Sorry...lol...I just saw the paint and body forum. Ready for removal...lol
Last edited by The Big Green; 03-29-2008 at 04:52 AM.