Well I went to the Auto Fair Friday , 1 thing I didn't know it was a CASH ONLY sale . Didn't taken check book don't use it much anymore .That was 1 thing you guys forgot to tell me . I just guessed that the BIG vendors would take the plastic money , wrong
. I knew the others would be a cash only , just like a Flea Market . Oh what the
I spent out . I will just have to go back in the fall to get some of the BIG ticket items if I don't find em here . I knows next time to take some drinks and snacks . NO $4.00 burger for me . Didn't even want to see
prices . Oh well other than that I guess it was all good . But whats the DEAL with the late model cars FS . I didn't go to see 2000 up I could have went to a car dealer .I bet got a better price too .
Thats it all its just my PO
Hope all that went had a good day .