Left me stranded, started, died again.
After a few months of problem free ownership on the way home my 69 started rough idling and then just died. Right in the middle of a busy road. Wouldn't turn over. Nothing. Got under the hood, moved a couple wires, nothing. Called for a tow. Tried again. Got the starter to fire. She coughed to life, got her to the mechanic.
Tigthend a few wires, started & stopped her 4 times. No issues. Left the mechanic... 800 yards down the road she just died - engine just quit. Would not restart. Turned over fine, but wouldn't start. Took the gas cap off (vapor lock?). Didn't help. Tried starter fluid: fire for a second or two and die. Seems like she's starved for fuel.
Suggestions? 396 motor.