Just found this site. A bunch of nice trucks here. I picked up my '72 last fall. It is a white LB with factory PS, PB, auto, and AC. My grandfather had a '72 he bought new. He gave it to a cousin of mine a couple years ago. He fixed it up, then it got stolen while he was out fishing one day

. I always loved that truck growing up. So had to have this one when I found it. I have a 2 year old daughter and she loves it already. Everytime we go somewhere she wants to ride in it and starts saying "daddy's truck"
It is a good 10 foot driver and needs "freshing". Someone did a bunch of work to it in the last few years and a repaint, but quality wasn't very good. Some rust coming back through etc... I just got done with a 4 year rebuild on a '84 Trans Am that was my wife's highschool car. Hope to get started on the truck this fall. I just bought a 2 post lift for my shop and need to get that installed first. I'll post some pics up in the next few days...