Hi, first of all I want to thank all the great people of this board that make spending time on this site so easy and addicting as crack. My obsession began when my dad gave me his work truck, a 67' short bed no option truck when I was 14. I took it apart that summer and it hasn't been driven on the street legally since. When I was a kid my excuse was i was broke and didn't have money to put into it. Little by little with the help of my family it started coming together. Flash forward 14 yrs

seriously the last seven a blur, priorities change and what not. I still have been upgrading the truck little by little the bad thing is I have really good taste actually the problem is i can't afford my taste so I have to save up for it and it takes forever. The 67' as it sits now it has art air ride, zz4, pb, ps, 2.5 dropped spindles, disc brakes, relocated gas tank, and some sheet metal work. Since I started fixing up the 67 a lot of cool new stuff has come out for our trucks such as Pb c-4 drop member and all those great ls series conversions we see here on the board. At this point I really just want to get a truck done so I can enjoy it. So instead of shooting for the moon with the 67' and never finishing it. I'm going to try to start a new project with more realistic goals. Which brings us to this project "gumby" instead of selling off all my old stuff and losing money on them I scored a 68' from my buddy and throwing all the old stuff on it and making it my daily driver. My vision keep the 250 it has in it, add a/c, ps, pb, put the air ride on it, nv4500 and some corvette rallys i have and call it done. Paint it the original gumby green two tone, add the missing trim and enjoy it. I know this babbled on for a bit and a couple of unfinished thoughts but you get the gist.