Finally found my gas leak today
Right after filling her up I decided to fold the seat forward and I saw the drip drip drip right at the sending unit to (vertical) gas line connection. Leak stopped after I started the truck. Shortly after turning off it started dripping again. I took it home and drained 5 gallons out of it and that stopped the leak. I've already tightened this connection. Is there an o-ring or compression farrel in there that is worn out....or should a little thread sealant do the job? Thanks, Bob
I'm a grateful Christian not perfect in any way, but always striving to become better with Christ's help. I'm grateful for what He did for me on that cross at Calvary. I hope there is a desire in your heart for the same: If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9