Originally Posted by RunninLo
I may be wrong here but it was always my understanding on the tri 4-link that the "longer" bars were the uppers and were longer to compensate for being mounted at angles instead of straight like on a parallel 4 bar. It was also always my understanding that it was done that way to keep the pivot points on the frame the same distance from the axle and to minimize pinion change.
I see by looking at your pics you went with the short bars up top and have a pretty good distance between your pivot points.
I'm not saying right or wrong just curious why you chose that way and what the benefits are?
From what I understand, yes your right, but its so tiny unless you run a lot of lift, then its not a big deal. If its pretty much set up close to ride height, and the pinion angle is set up right for ride height, which I'm sure captn fab did, then its all good.
Captain, looks very impressive, even though its a kit, the install is incredible. Where in cda are you, I keep hearing your out there, I'm stuck at gonzaga, not too far away.