trans problem
yea well sunday night i was driving my truck around for about 30 minutes went to my aunts house i park the truck then my friend told my to move so he can get through well when i put it in reverse i took a while to get the gear it was wierd because it usually gets the reverse quick well the truck has a trans fluid leak i look i think its leaks were it marks the speed i dont know how you call that. Back to the topic well then when i put it in forward it also took a while so park it left it there at my aunts house because i thought it migh need fluid and dont want to mess it up it late already. So the next day early morning i went to check to see and it said it had fluid i had the truck on i put it in reverse and it took a while for it to change longer than that sunday night it got it then i put it in forward and it also to time to get it then it got it but when i put it foward and press that gas pedal it felt like it was slipping probl needed fluid but i had check it was okay i got out check it to realize i did not had any. I turn off the truck put some in turn it on check it rite at the level had it running for it to get the fluid running check it again it was fine then i tried putting it in gear and did not took the gear it didnt take any gear. Dont know what is wrong with it when driving it sunday it was shifting right the tranny did seem to make any wierd shifts. Any ideas guys