Finally in the process of putting things back together and I have two questions: First - I bought a grounding strap replacement kit and it has 6 straps in it. Where do they all go? Here is what I can come up with - bottom of cab to frame, firewall to back of engine, core support to frame, I am guessing bed to frame (but where), and engine to frame? Where would the last one go?
Next question - I did a front disc brake conversion and have a new master cylinder to hook up. The old lines are not bent to the right places so I cut them off about 6 inches above the frame and I am going to bend some new lines. The question is - on the back of the proportioning valve is a larger fitting (threaded hole for a fitting) and on the front portion of the valve there are two smaller fittings (threaded holes, one on the bottom and one below the black button) how do I plumb the Master (pictures would be a big help) and what size fittings and steel tubing do I need? I have a bender and flairing tool. Thanks in advance for any and all help. This is a great site!