Stock Vs. Aftermarket Gauges
Ok kids heres the deal, as a few of you have already seen I have been working on putting a factory tach cluster in my '83. I am on the verge of re-pinning the plug but today I got to thinking. My truck is in no way the nastiest thing on the street, but it does have a stroker motor in it so it is somewhat high performance. My concerns are the accuracy of the gauges of course and the fact that they may cause a problem down the road....I really love the look of the clean sleek factory set it was meant to be. Autometer gauges are out of my budget as they're other things I would rather spend my money on....I did look into the TPI & Dolphin gauges and could justify purchasing a 6 set of them for the price, and could probably sell the factory gauges that I have (tach is functional although I did do a white face cover lay) my concern is are they gonna be any more accurate. I have not called them directly but from what I can sort out it appears that their definition of "mechanical" gauges only means mechanical or electric speedo. If in fact this is the case are aftermarket electric gauges any more accurate then stock?? What are some thoughts and experiences with similar decisions??
Thanks all