Re: don't you hate it when...
My winter truck is a 96 LandCruiser. I was driving down the interstate on a very windy day and was being passed by a late-model Chevy pickup when my windshield went dark because the guy's bed-liner blew out of his truck bed and hit my windshield and top above the windshield then bounced across the next lane and onto the shoulder. A State Trooper appeared out of no where and couldn't believe the liner did such little damage to my LC. Just a small dent above the windshield and a few minor scratches. Being 13 years old and not perfect, I was passed up the opportunity get the pickup owner for a few hundred $$. Long story short, maybe the guy thought the extra break in the windshield wasn't a big deal and you would appreciate the break.
Or maybe he was driving on a suspended license and didn't want to stick around and talk to Johnny Law.