Butterfly Valve Sticking...dieseling...
Hey guys,
Been a while since I've been on (like a few years!)...have been having some trouble with dieseling with my '72 C10...took off the air filter cover and noticed that the butterfly valve was about a 1/3 of the way open...gave it a little tap, and it shut...started messing with it a bit, and realized that the valve most often did not close all the way or seemed to be sticking...is this something that can be resolved with a little lubricant like WD40 or tighting the little spring...I'm not a mechanic, but it does seem like it should be a simple fix...but wanted to get some input before I tore anything up...thanks for any input in advance.
Getting ready to clean her up and take some new pics! Haven't taken any since the time of digital cameras....
Greg Toney