Originally Posted by woodchip
I just want to make a complaint about a parts dealer in CA.
The name of the place is Truck Parts Company in,
San Gabrial Valley Baldwin Park CA
I ordered a steering column from them, when I got it ,it was missing the shaft, lower bearing assembly,the upper bearing was shot,it had a power glide shift indcator. I ship it back to them and they refunded me 70% of the org price Needless to say I will not do busness with them anymore.
Watch out for this outfit . Most of all you guys in CA
They claim that this was a remanfanured new paint ,new guts new wire.
Ok rant over
Update on steering column deal. I contacted my credit card co. and they have credited my account with the total charged for the column plus a $157.50 charge the Truck Parts co charged to my acount and sent me a copy of the credit refund slip. Thay still have the same column on their web site. At least I got my money back all except the shiping fee for returning it.Again I say watch out for these guys. The credit card co says the TRUCK PARTS CO can contest the results.