Torsion Box Removal and general disassembly of a tub
I am looking to remove a perfect set of torsion boxes and the end caps. Anybody do this and have tips on how to do it the easiest? I don't want to booger up the boxes or the floor support (runners). Basically I am going to completely blow apart a blazer tub and want to save everything but the floorpan, rockers and quarters. Any insite on doing this like the order of removal etc.?
Before you ask why I would want to do this to a pretty much rust free blazer, let me explain. First, this tub has no title (just a bill of sale). Second, I have two others (with titles) with different amounts and locations of rust, so I think I can make two really nice tubs out of the three. I just wanted to explain myself before I got questions as to why.