Latest issue of Vintage Truck magazine....
hello all...
since we are all here because we love vintage Suburbans, figured i'd mention my latest find upon opening up the latest issue of Vintage Truck magazine (vol 17 - no. 4 : sept/oct 2009). on page 9 you will see a picture of 2 red chevy suburbans. one is a very stock looking 41 with a trailer hitched up and on the trailer is the original 1935 prototype. these trucks are around the 70 year mark, yet it is amazing the difference in design 6 years makes. when i am rich and famous (not in this life time) i will probably have a fleet of suburbans with a big place to store them....along the lines of Jay Leno's garage......its nice to dream. anyway....
it was absolutely awesome, but alas you will have to look up the pic yourself as i don't have a way post the image (also copyright laws). also, starting on page 24 there is a whole article about the OD unit on the 65-70 or so 3 speed manual transmissions.....exactly the mod i have planned for my 72 burb some day. this magazine has a lot of neat tech and truck industry history and i just wanted to share a little bit of the pertinent info with you guys and gals.....