school me a little bit please?
alright guys, so i just bought a 68 chevy k10 4x4. im not completley new to the trucks, but im more of a dirtbike a quad mechanic than i am trucks. well anyway. i was just wonderin if you guys could give me a little help on what is actually under my truck. like as far as rears and trans and transfer case go? its a 68 4x4 with a 4 speed (granny 1st) whitch from beeing around the site sounds like a sm465? is this right? also i have no clue what transfer case i could have. so if anyone could give some insight on what the truck should have came with( the drivetrain is all orginal). also i was told the truck came with a heavy duty package? would that just be suspention or would that give it beefier rears as well? and finally with the 4x4 and the hd package(if there was one) is there any insight to what gears i could be running? it turns 35's w/o even struggling and i start in 2nd gear so im guessing the gears are pretty low? or is that just the trans?
sorry for the long post and stupid noob questions, but im still tryin to figure out what im doing with the truck and these forums haha
Thanks , Dalton