cheapest budget build ever
alright heres for all you cheap guys that "think" your doing a budget build heres mine. back in june when i was 15 there was a peace of crap 67 gmc 1/2 tone long box 4 speed manual sitting there a couple of miles from my house. i wasent into old trucks but i was into racing quads. you could just see the back end and it was pretty beat up. i wanted to get it to wreck it and dink around in but i knew my dad would never go for it. so one day my dad was like you should get that gmc over there. i was like ok and called up the water company and offtered them $200 for it. they discused it and decided that they werent going to do anything with it and sold it to me for $250 and they gave me a free battery to go with it. continued
Last edited by ya it is a classic; 12-22-2009 at 07:59 PM.