Originally Posted by lynnfield
Totally Agree, if you are wanting to purchase something make every effort to confirming with the person selling the item. If you dont end up getting something that you thought you had the right to, that gives no one the right to start acting like a a$$ to the orginal seller....
Your point is valid, however I think mine is too.
Did you read the string of messages from him... to me... that I posted?
HE contacted me about the parts, set the price, made arrangements to meet.........I sat around and waited..............HE never called, then reniged on the deal for the doors...............and
HE TOLD ME that WHEN HE was ready to sell HE WOULD LET ME KNOW.
Did you read that part???
I took him at his word, and did not feel the need to contact him monthly weekly or whatever............
Then sold the parts a couple of months later to someone else. I think I have the right to be a little irked.
I read every word. And my last sentence in my post is my point. He made a mistake.... It does no good to continue post comments about his mistake. Posting various messages, emails, whatever isnt going to change anything now. Maybe both parties in this situation can learn something from what happened and move on....