Hey everyone, want to start by saying thanks for all the great info on here! I've been working on my 69 gmc c25 since Nov. and have been able to find an answer to every question I've had by searching this site. Well, until now. I took my doors off to replace rockers. Went ahead and rebuilt hinges while doors were off too. Made myself no reference points to but back together and man was that a struggle! Two days later I've got the doors shutting good, nice gap, pretty proud of my work. Then I replace the weather stripping and everything went to hell! Moved the striker all the way out but you have to slam both doors so hard to get to shut and the door handle button is so hard to push my wife and kids cant even open the doors! Please tell me I don't have to take doors off again, even though I've had mine off at least a dozen times I really don't want to again. Good door holders are hard to find around here!