Originally Posted by Muleman100
 Maybe someone can help me with what went wrong. I am using a 25 gallon vinyl cotainer. Made 4 electrodes out of rebar, cleaned them and placed them around the inside of the barrel. Used washing soda, 1/2 cup per 5 gallons. Connected all my electrodes in series with wire. Lowered the hood springs careful not to touch the electrodes or bottom of barrel. Hooked up the pos to the electrodes and neg to the hood spring and turned on the charger. I read where I should see bubbles forming on the hood spring, well that did not happen. I could not visibly see any action on the part. Is my charger set at 12volts at 15 amps too small for my 25 gallon tank? Or did I do something wrong?
Muleman, first, did the charger indicate any current flow, if not, then one of your connections (most likely the one at the spring) isn't good. If the charger did show a current flow, was the alligator clip in the solution? If it was, then the path of least resistance would be from the clip to the rebar, not through the spring. I clean a small spot on my parts where they will connect so the rust or paint won't inhibit the current flow. I also do not put the battery charger clamp in the solution: actually I don't even put the entire part in the solution, leaving the electrical connection site above the electrolyte so the current has to pass through the part.
Your battery charger is definitely big enough, you only need a couple of amps for this to work