Originally Posted by panhandler62
When choosing curriculum -- be carefull. Some of the Christian based curriculum can be a little,, well.. *light* on hte sciences. Not really an issue in k-6 but it can become a problem in later grades.
However you feel about science issues; you do your kids no favors if they don't know what the science actualy is (even if they chose to disagree wth it for faith reasons.)
My wife and I are going to spend more time in the sciences than most even do in public school (Probably me doing most of that). that's one of my pet peeves and I really hated being told what was "fact" in high school when it is in FACT a theory. Many of the theories that are presented as rock solid facts in public school have been proven to be false by the MAJORITY of scientists. However, the ones in charge of the curriculum still have the power to present their "Truth". I am not making this up based on faith. This is based on SCIENCE. If you research many of the main theories in science, you will find that they are just that...theories...not facts. My children will know all of the theories presented by modern science, all the items that are known and proven facts, and how parts of our faith have been proven true by evidence in our world.