CCSB Conversion Method Pros & Cons
I am currently looking for a crew cab as well as the parts to convert it to short bed. My question is what is the best method to shorten it? I understand the methods that people have used and read the threads about them. Not looking for a "how-to", just wondering what the advantage is to going one way or the other. Basically is it best to splice in the back half of a 1/2 ton frame or 'Z' cut the 1-ton frame and remove 14"? Assuming that I am capable of doing either one, which would you choose and why? As I understand it, back-halving with the 1/2-ton frame (like OJOE did) allows you to line up bolt holes between the two frames and bolt together prior to welding. This seems like it might make it easier to get square. But, is it better to just cut a section out and retain the taller 1-ton frame for strength? Sorry for the long-winded question, but I've seen plenty about how to do each method, but not much regarding why one is preferred over the other. Thanks! -Jake