Got a Blazer....have some questions
OK...I just bought a Blazer last night. It's a 4 door 1993 with 4wd. The motor has been rebuilt with just 10 thousand miles on it. It drives but the trannny has issues with reverse and 1st gear. It wants to start with second gear. In driving it, I'd like to make just a few changes. Starting with the POS instrument panel. Has anyone here done the swap to the older one with the "round" indicators? And has anyone swapped out the front buckets seats for a bench? I want a bench seat......however I want a plush plush seat. What are the options? You'll have to forgive me guys.......I'm a full-size chevy dude with a history of burbs, tahoes, and the great 1972 chevy trucks!!!!! And is the motor I have a good one? It's is the L35. I believe these were batched delivery with fuel but cannot remember it has been so long. But thebn again I can't complain. I got the thing for 300 bucks.