CCT project '79 C10 concealed weapons
While I was still editor at CCT, Jeff Drew at sent me a pair of his super clean 6x9 speaker brackets. The intent was to run a product release, but it didn't happen. Now that I'm a freelance tech editor working on CCT and CT, I've been able to do more of the things that I'd like to do. That said, here's a peek at what's coming in the August '10 issue of CCT. The sound system in my '79 C10 some of you might recognize as the Americruise truck is completely invisible (except for a K-mart head unit no one would want to steal) I dropped a pair of Powerbass 6x9s behind the crossflow vents in the door, and used Jeff's speaker brackets in the cab corners. Not shown is a Powerbass super thin 12-inch sub cabinet that fits tight behind the seat.
Anyone wants to hear more, I'll expand