i worked for a yr anda half on my 72 jimmy. putting in a big block, new Painless wiring 3/4 ton with disk all the way around, lights, gauges, paint job and suspention, drove it for ahundred miles or so, then blew motor. im so pissed. my elec. fan switch failed and overheated. now has a loud knocking and water in oil.

now gotta pull big block( prolly no good) and put a small block back in, have to buy another small block since i sold one for parts for the big block. oh well. shes been sitting for about two months now. im tired of looking at it. looking for motivation to pull bigblock. thanks guys.
this is the apex of the vortex: This is what u do, u lite all 3 ends at the same time, then the smoke converges, creating a trifecta of joint smoking power...

I pitty the fool with only two headlights