My truck began this odd sputtering but would idle OK as long as you did not give it alot of gas. My first guess was fuel filter / pump. I have since checked the gas flow from the filter to the carb and it seems to be fine. Next, I guessed junk in the carb, Nope, checked it (weber / edelbrock) by removing the top "hat" and it was clean. My next step was to look for spark, pulled a plug, grounded it to the frame and looked for spark, but didn't see any. Now I was onto the distributor added new cap and rotor, tested the coil with ohm meter (OK), then down to the pick up coil (which had an odd reading of 178 ohm) which is supposed to read 500-1500ohms.
I ended up replacing the pick up coil and module while I was digging around in there. I then re-stabbed the distributor and still no fire.... WTF?
I am looking for some advice on next steps to take...