Originally Posted by Notrodder
My thoughts: Do the test that cdowns suggested with the new pump. If it's getting gas to the carb, check that the screws and mounting bolts on the carb are tight. Turn the throttle linkage and see that everything is opening as it should so you're getting air to match the gas. Now try turning your fuel metering screws on the base of the carb in a quarter turn and see if there's any improvement, if not try one half turn out and check again. This may or may not solve your problem, but it is easy to do and worth a try.
Another thing, it was a long time ago that this happened to me so I can't remember the symptoms, but the float in my carb sank and caused some kind of aggravating problem that a new float cured. Does anybody here think that this could be kev's problem?
Where are the fuel metering screws??