More of the same.

Let me know if you need more or an actual measurement for something. Good luck.
I did need to massage the seem lip in the tranny tunnel to get more clearance for the vent tube on top of tranny, to avoid rubbing noises later.
I like where mine sets. Plenty of room up front. Room behind. Not touching firewall etc. I did have to drill rivets out to move tranny crossmember forward, I think about 2 inches. The oil pan( truck pan) clears the front crossmember with at least a 1/4 inch or more. It hangs below frame though. Mines c20 at stock height, so who cares. Skid pan to come later though. The only problems I had with going this far back were the seem on tunnel needed folded back a little, the Lokar cable for shifter to me is a little short, tight bends. And my Doug Thorley headers dumped right in front of Parking brake cables, so it was tight bends coming out to exhaust. I thank my exhaust man for doing such a good job at that fix. Drive shaft needed shortened, but that fixed my vibration problems. Found out shaft yoke wasn't welded on square from factory I guess. Any questions just ask. Good luck. I'll take some pics of the plates I made for the motor mounts tommorrow.