Is this welding machine worth it?
I'm still fairly new here and would like your opinion on this welding machine. I work for a company that is no longer in need of this shop welding machine and I really want to learn how to weld. I want to shave most of my truck and even work on some frame and bumper mods. Please bare with me since I don't know much about welding, but very eager to learn and learn very quickly.
Anyhow, on to what I think may be a good score. Do you all think this used Miller 250 is worth $300? He's gonna throw in the tank and regulator, as well. I'm told it's in good working condition and only has about 50+ total hours on it. It just sits in this open area and has gotten caked up with dirt over time, but it doesn't matter what it looks like anyway...just as long as it works and I can use it for what I need to do. One of the shop guys is going to run it for me and show it to me working, to make sure. So, what do you all think?