Cracked freeze plug, (67-72 advice please)
I need help from 67-72 guys is the reason a engine question is here. Here's a short story leading to the failure. I have a 8-10 year old engine that gas prices forced a rebuild to stock. I left the heads and should'nt have because they started burning oil. I rebuilt them and the freeze plug rusted and now it's leaking, a loose radiator slows this but it needs fixed. I used this truck for shows but I want it as a driver. I've rebuilt the whole top end in the truck, that's simple, I've replaced bad bearings because of a cam failure and a lobe going flat all with the engine in the truck. The freeze plug isn't a simple one to get to but not the hardest. It's behind the passenger engine mount, so I can't see how bad it's broke but I know the water is coming from there. Has anyone replaced this or any of them at all with the engine in the truck? This is a 2wd '67 with 73-87 mounts. I may take a cherry picker and raise the engine up and pull that engine mount and knock it out. I just wanted a heads up on what I'm looking at.
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