I'm planning on leaving the Spring's for Waverly IL on the 8th of Aug.
I will, if needed, have a AC, or non AC cab on the trailer. I have two cab's, 67-72, that will be fresh out of the body shop with new rocker's, corner's, and support's. Cab's are completly stripped and in primer. This is the CAB ONLY, there is no door's, no glass, nothing but a cab. $800, for non ac cab, and $900 for AC cab.
I do not have any picture's, for they are not done yet. I will give a guarantee though. These prices are with delivery up to Waverly IL only. any farther, will have to work out.
I also have ton's of misc. part's as well, ie: door's, fender's, bed's, I also have tranny's of all kind's, rear end's, a complete 283 motor, and so on.
If you need something, let me know, my trailer will fill quickly. I am in need for a SWB step-side bed/fender's. Thank's