Vent window. very frustrated need advice.
so I went to pick n pull and mange to find a GMC and the vent windows weren't pitted and in really great shape. so after pulling them out I ordered new weather stripping for them. after reading on all the threads with tips on how to go about doing this. I know I don't have to stress how time consuming this whole process is. I ordered a vent window rivet kit off ebay from Grumpy's truck parts with 'flaring' tool for $18. Kit might have been worth $1.80 if that.
So I finally get the new weather stripping on and rivetted on the other channel. After trying to use this amazing rivet kit I noticed that it just split it more then 'flared' it, I finally get to the point where Its just about snug the arm/bracket that attaches to the vent window breaks. I already have about 3-4 hours into this PITA and now this happens.
Is it possible to weld this back together or am I pretty much screwed? Any advice is appreciated.